Takara Breezy Singer Bird, Hummingbird


Professionally carved with a remarkable likeness to favorite American songbirds, the Breezy Singer bird offers a cheerful greeting as you enter a room—plus realistic head, beak and tail movements. Bird lovers will appreciate the authentic bird sounds.

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Takara Breezy Singer Bird, Hummingbird:

Takara Breezy Singer Bird, Hummingbird. Brighten a bird lover’s day. While professionally carved with a remarkable likeness to favorite American songbirds. Also the Breezy Singer bird offers a cheerful greeting as you enter a room. Furthermore realistic head, beak and tail movements. Bird lovers will appreciate the authentic bird sounds—they’re provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and prompted by a motion sensor set in the bird’s breast or by changes in light. A unique addition to a sunny nursery or porch, the Breezy Singer bird makes a wonderful gift on its own or tucked into a potted plant. Includes display stand and built-in on/off switch. Made in USA. Average dimensions: 4.5″ x 2″ x 3″ Tall.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 2.5 × 3 in
